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Simbol-Simbol di Amerika Sebagai Alat Pemersatu Bangsa Amerika

Indrojiono, FX (2022) Simbol-Simbol di Amerika Sebagai Alat Pemersatu Bangsa Amerika. Caritas pro Serviam, 45 (2). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1410 4547

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Symbol is a particular center of attention, a means of communication and a basis for common understanding. Every communication, by language or other means, uses symbols. By nature, humans are concerned with symbols, which are always related to the idea of a symbol, the circle of symbol functions, and the symbol system. Symbols are horizontal-immanent and have a transcendent dimension, so they have a horizontal-vertical correlation as well as symbols with a metaphysical dimension. These symbols, are actually reflections of something from a character about an event that happened very deeply, it could be a happy or sad event. With events that later become a symbol, it will enter deeply into the members of a group. They seem to be bound in a strong brotherhood, feel that they are members who are very close in feelings or in similarity in life. They created these symbols because unilaterally they wanted to have self-existence for their actions and on the other hand they wanted their members to be loyal to their struggle. The struggle here is not meant to seek one's own independence but rather freedom in expressing one's feelings, desires and movements as a member of society who loves their country.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Simbol, referensi, metafisik, kebebasan, eksistensi, dan solidaritas.
Subjects: P Language and Literature > PS American literature
Depositing User: P3M ASMI Santa Maria
Date Deposited: 13 Feb 2023 15:31
Last Modified: 13 Feb 2023 15:31

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