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Kekuatan Budaya Lokal dalam Menjaga Integritas Masyarakat Amerika

Indrojiono, FX (2021) Kekuatan Budaya Lokal dalam Menjaga Integritas Masyarakat Amerika. Caritas pro Serviam, 43 (01). ISSN 1410 4547

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American is a country that favourite as a super power country and wealth countr. Beside that, many people pretend that this country succeed because of the individualistic society. They always depend on the money or their wealth for handling their business. In fact, it is not all true because the American people always help the other people that need some help. They have a sense of tolerance and empathy with other people in or out of their country. American society consists of many kind of group. They came from many countries in the world. It means this country has a pluralism society or country. It is one of that supported the tolerance and empathy in this society. This story from the first visitors until many visitors made good and bad situation, from Civil War until Race Matter. But this situation became a good experience for their country because good or bad it is their country. The result of it made the American people always appreciate each other. From the condition of American every local or district has power for handling their district. The impact of it, every local culture has a chance to develop their existence. Automatically every local culture has progress. Indeed the American people were not only notice their local cultures for their but they tried to develop until out of their country. It is true that their local culture become favourite for the people in the world, for the example Marlboro cigarette. They exposed their cowboy culture for their trade mark.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: individualistic, tolerance, empathy, local culture, cowboy culture.
Subjects: E History America > E11 America (General)
Depositing User: Mr. Admin Repo ASMI St Maria
Date Deposited: 29 Jan 2022 01:42
Last Modified: 21 Jun 2022 05:34

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